Register Today! The MASA Finance Academy

Posted by MASA on 8/6/2020

or new, newer, and aspiring superintendents

The Minnesota Association of School Administrators (MASA)

In response to feedback from our members and our colleagues aspiring to the superintendency, MASA has developed an academy with finance topics especially relevant to the practice of the superintendency.  Three sessions throughout the year will provide reflective leadership and skill development leading to development in the excellent practice of the school superintendency.


These sessions will be integrated with the MASA Great Start sessions and will be offered with the gracious support of Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors.  If you are already registered for the Great Start Cohort, there is no need to register for this academy as it is included in the Great Start Cohort experience.

Registration is extremely limited for this academy; we suggest you register as soon as possible.

To register, please View Here

Contingent plans are in place depending on the circumstances of COVID-19; including a different venue with fewer attendees and social distancing or offering the workshop via ZOOM.